Voices of the Choir “Vilnius” were heard in Mozart’s hometown
: 2018-11-28
From October 19 to 24 the professional Choir “Vilnius” went on tour to Austria. A programme, dedicated to the centenary of restored Lithuania, was presented at Salzburg’s famous Mozarteum Foundation, in a church in Hartberg and at a venue in Weiz. Appearances of the Choir “Vilnius” received not only thunderous applause from the audience but also positive responses from the Austrian critics.
Principal Conductor of the Choir, Artūras Dambrauskas, noted that the whole trip ran smoothly and brought great joy and indelible memories to everybody. All concerts were held in halls filled to capacity and were met with rousing applause. One of the most memorable performances took place in one of the world’s greatest and most coveted music universities – Salzburg’s Mozarteum. It is not readily available for every performer and therefore having an opportunity to perform in a place of such significance makes us fairly proud.
The said performance drew not only choral music lovers but also music reviewers to Mozarteum. One of them lauded the choir’s performance by saying that it corresponded to the highest standard of concerts held in Salzburg. Lithuanian voices received accolades from both the audience and professional musicians in Austria.
“We were truly amazed by the attitude and knowledgeability of the audience. Although our programme was largely comprised of Lithuanian music, it was obvious that the most complicated passages made the listeners literally rise on their feet. One listener approached us after the concert to say that we made the whole country of Austria stand on its feet. It was a token of exceptional appreciation. In all cities and little towns, where our concerts were held, the audiences included mayors in the front rows. There were also many other distinguished guests in attendance, including Minister Counsellor at the Lithuanian Embassy to the Republic of Austria, Mindaugas Rukštelė, and Honorary Consul of the Republic of Lithuania, Erich Wagner,” Vladas Bagdonas, artistic director of the Choir “Vilnius”, recalls.
One of the organizers of concerts in Austria, Dr. Johannes Steinwender, noted in his conversation with the local media website “We want to share the best bits of Austrian culture with Lithuania and would like Lithuania to present its own best bits to Austria.” The said website also published an article about the appearances of the Choir “Vilnius”, wherein they were described as an obvious success: “the audiences in packed halls were fascinated and rose to their feet in a standing ovation for [the performances of] Lithuanian artists.”