LUDI FORTUNAE. State Song and Dance Ensemble LIETUVA
XI International St. James Festival concert. LUDI FORTUNAE
For the eleventh year in a row in September we start our International St. James Sacred Music Festival. This year the festival is dedicated to the year of St. James and the founder of the Dominican Order St. Dominic.
The state song and dance ensemble LIETUVA is an energetic, modern and professional ensemble, uniting dancers, an orchestra of national instruments and choir. Ensemble presents Lithuanian identity in a relevant and modern way and inspires to be proud of the Lithuanian history. Through a mix of different music genres, unique dance, music and theatre plays, an innovative sound of national instrumental music is sought to engage an audience of as diverse an age as possible.
Zita Bružaitė – Tu es via
Jurgita Mieželytė – O Ignis Spiritus Paracliti
Raminta Šerkšnytė – Aurei Regina Caeli
I dalis. De D. Maria Magdalena
II dalis. Magdalena sub cruce fl ens
III dalis. D. Virginem Matrem
Zita Bružaitė – Ludi Fortunae (World premiere)
STATE SONG AND DANCE ENSEMBLE LIETUVA (art director Giedrius SVILAINIS, chief choir-master Algimantas KRIŪNAS, orchestra conductor dr. Egidijus KAVECKAS)
AISTĖ BENKAUSKAITĖ (mezzo-soprano)
Under the Patronage of the:
President of the Republic of Lithuania GITANAS NAUSĖDA
The Archbishop Metropolitan of Vilnius GINTARAS GRUŠAS
September 18th of the 2021. 8 p.m. Vilnius St. apostles Philip and Jacob Church
Free entrance. Only persons who have valid National Certificate will be admitted to the event. (https://gpasas.lt)
Place of the event:
Vilnius St. apostles Philip and Jacob Church
Vasario 16-osios gatvė 11, Vilnius